Family Tree Certificate Karnataka Online download: A “family tree” is a genealogy prepared by family members themselves that can be certified by a government body, usually a revenue officer (or tehsildar).
A family tree certificate is often essential in Karnataka to settle claims regarding deceased family members. This FT certificate also helps in getting the death benefit or the property in the name of the deceased person. So, a family tree certificate is issued by the revenue authorities of Karnataka for the succession of the property.
Family Tree Certificate Karnataka Online
Name of Service | Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka |
Department | Revenue Department / Authorities |
Beneficiaries | Karnataka’s citizen |
Online Application Link | Click Here |
Application Type | Online/Offline |
State | Karnataka, bangalore |
How to apply for a family tree certificate online in Karnataka?
There are two ways to apply online for a Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka, Banglore. Here we are discussing the process to apply online for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka through these two platforms. you need to follow the given steps below.
- Nadakacheri
- Seva Sindhu
Before applying, you must read the Eligibility Criteria for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka.
Eligibility criteria for Family Tree Certificate
Eligibility Criteria for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka The wife/husband/son/daughter/mother in the family can apply. And they should also be a citizen of Karnataka/Bangalore.
Required Documents for Family Tree Certificate
- Birth certificate or death certificate
- identity document like PAN, Aadhar card, ration card, voter card
- Recent Passport-size photos
- Application form
- Address proof: voter card, telephone bill, electricity bill
- A gazetted officer attests and duly signs the bond paper on the proforma.
How to apply online for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka Through Nadakacheri website?
To Get the family tree certificate in Karnataka, you must follow the steps below.
Step 1: First of all, Visit the official Website of Nadakacheri (https://nadakacheri.karnataka.gov.in/ajsk).
Step 2: Tap on Online Application.
Step 3: Tap on the Apply Now.
Step 4: Enter your Mobile Number and click on the “Get OTP” button.

Step 5: Tap on the New Request option.
Step 6: Now Select Attestation of Family Tree.
Step 7: Select the language of the certificate English or Kannada.
Step 8: Enter the Required USER Details.
Step 9: Choose the Mode of Delivery as Nadakacheri or Registered Post.
Step 10: You need to Upload the required documents for the Family Tree certificate.
Step 11: Then, Click on the “Save” button.
Step 12: Tap on “Online Payment“.
Step 13: Select the Payment methods: Card payment and Card type.
Step 14: After that, click on “Make Payment’’.
After the payment is successful, your ACK number will be displayed in the respective Nadakchery for further processing of the application. The final certificate can be obtained from the concerned Nadakchery center.
How to apply for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka through online Seva Sindhu portal?
To apply online for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka via the Seva Sindhu Portal, you need to follow the given steps below.
Step 1: First of all, Go to the Official Seva Sindhu Portal.
Step 2: Click on Department Services.
Step 3: Type Attestation and Search for It.
[Otherwise, Go to page 5 and Click on the Revenue Department>> Attestation of Family tree.]

Step 4: Click on the Attestation of Family Tree.
Step 5: Then, Click on Apply Online.

Step 6: Log in to your Account if you are an existing user. otherwise, register your account.
Step 7: After Registration, Enter Login ID>> Click on “GET OTP”>> Login Button.

Step 8: Select the Certificate language such as English or Kannada.
Step 9: Enter all USER Details.
Step 10: Click on the “I Agree” checkbox and Captcha.
Step 11: Upload the required documents for the Family Tree certificate.
Step 12: Click on “Save”. and you can see the saved document.
Step 13: Click on the e-sign and proceed>> Enter the Aadhar Number>> Get OTP and proceed to payment.
Step 14: After that, click on “Make Payment’’.
Step 15: After successful payment, your Sakala acknowledgment will be generated.
How to apply offline for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka?
To apply offline for a Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka, you need to fill out the Family Tree Certificate (FTC) Application Form, fill in all the details, and attach the required documents. Submit it to your nearest Nadakchery or Municipal or Revenue office.
How to apply through CSC for Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka?
You can apply for a Family Tree Certificate through the Common Service Center (CSC), Fill out the Family Tree Certificate form and submit it at the nearest Common Service Center.
How to Track Status of Family Tree Certificate?
Follow the steps to Check/Track the status of Family Tree Certificate in Karnataka online through the Nadakacheri website.

- Visit the Official Nadakacheri website.
- Click on Online Application>>Application Status.
- Enter the Application type and Application number in the Box.
- Click on Get Status.
Where to get family tree certificate in Bangalore?
A family tree certificate in Bangalore can be obtained by applying online from the Nadakacheri website, the Seva Sindhu Portal. Apart from this, you can get it from the Common Service Center and Revenue Office by filling out an offline form.
Let’s check out the Nadakacheri Caste Certificate Download PDF.