This article will guide you on how to change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport online in india or how to remove emigration check required for an Indian passport. Before doing this, know what is ECR and ECNR. and also discuss how to check passport is ECR or ECNR.
ECR stands for “Emigration Check Required,” and ECNR stands for “Emigration Check Not Required.” you need to check your passport to see whether it has an ECR stamp on it or not. If you have an ECR passport, it will be marked with the words “emigration check required.” And if you have a non-ECR passport, you will not have the “emigration check required” stamp. In this way, you can check a passport’s ECR or ECNR.
As we all know, many Indians live, work, and travel in other countries, and they require a visa to do so. The criteria for moving from ECR to ECNR were a bit complicated and time-consuming, but now they have been simplified.
So, in this post, I’ll show you how can i change my ECR passport to an ECNR passport. or how to remove emigration check required Indian passport.
How To Change ECR To ECNR In Indian Passport Online
To change ECR to ECNR in Indian passport online in India, You have to fill out an application form and submit it to the required authorities in person or through a representative or even through the post. Further, you can follow these steps to know more about this process.
Step 1: Go to the official website “passport.gov.in” and Login your account.
Step 2: Select the miscellaneous services or miscellaneous form (EAP-2) option.
Step 3: Select the “Deletion request of Emigration Check Required” option and Print the application form.
Step 4: Fill out the application form and attach two photocopies of your college, 12th, and 10th grade passing certificates. must attach the attested certificates only.
Step 5: Also, attach address proof such as a voter ID, ration card, electricity bill, employer ID, phone bill, lease agreement, Pan card, etc.
Step 6: Visit the nearest passport office and submit the form along with the required documents. You will only have to pay Rs. 300.
Note: Your application must be submitted along with your original passport and two copies of the last and first 4 pages. Keep a copy of the application form with you for future proof.
Documents required to change your passport status from ECR to ECNR
In order to successfully change your passport status from ECR to ECNR, there are some documents that you will need which are as follows.
- filled out Form EAP-2.
- A nominal fee of Rs 300 through cash or demand draft.
- Original passport.
- Address proof (only a ration card will not suffice).
- 2 attested copies of any eligibility criteria proving your eligibility for an ECNR passport.
- 2 copies of the first 4 and last 4 pages of your passport.
Eligibility For ECNR Passport
As you now know about the process to convert ECR to ECNR in Indian passports, Certain eligibility conditions have to be met to clear the emigration check. The following are the eligibility criteria for an ECNR passport:
- A person who has certified above class 10th and has all valid files.
- Persons above 50 years of age.
- Persons having a diploma in polytechnic from any recognised institute
- A person having a diploma in nursing under the Indian Nursing Council Act- 1947
- Individuals spent more than 3 years abroad.
- Minor (under 18 years of age).
- Income taxpayers
- Spouse or child of the income tax payer
Can we change ECR Passport to ECNR?
Yes, you can change ECR to ECNR in your Indian passport, you need to download Application Form (EAP-2) from the official portal, passport.gov.in. Go to the official passport website and log in to your account. then select miscellaneous services>>Emigration Check deletion request>>Print the application form. fill up the required information, attached the required document and submit the nearest Passport Office.
How to check ECRN in Indian passport?
In the new passport, ‘Emigration Check Required’ will be printed on the last page of the booklet, just above the column for the name of the father/legal guardian. If the ECR status is not stamped or printed on the passport booklet, then the passport is a non-ECR passport (earlier ECNR).
I hope you got the answer to your question about how can I change my ECR passport to ECNR and “how to check passport is ECR or ECNR” you can inform us by comment. Otherwise, Help your friends by sharing the post. follow hindisoftonic.in for more valuable content.