Check out the www.bochetea.com login Register 2024, Boche tea online registration process and How to Participate in Boche Tea Lucky Draw?
Boche Tea is a brand of tea powder manufactured by Bobby Chemmanur International Group. Boche Tea is also known for its daily lucky draws.
Boche Tea lucky draws offer prizes ranging from ₹100 to ₹10 lakh (1 million rupees) and a bumper prize of ₹25 crore (250 million rupees). However, these lucky draws have faced legal challenges as they are considered similar to lotteries.
Boche Tea Online Registration Kerala
To get the Lucky Reward or giveaway, users must register their account on Bochetea’s official website at bochetea.com. this article will help you access the registration portal and complete registration online.
So, explore the convenience of online registration and unlock chances to win exciting rewards while indulging in the finest teas. Read the more information about Boche Tea Sign up and Sign and Lucky Draw ticket.
How to do Boche Tea Online Registration?
To register or create your Boche Tea account, you must follow the steps below.
- Visit the official website of Boche Tea at bochetea.com.
- Click on the Sign in/Register button.
- Again click on Sign up button.
- Enter the required information such as full name, mobile number, password, email address, and state.
- Select an identification card such as an Aadhar Card or Pancard number.
- After this, enter the Aadhar Number or PAN number as per selection.
- Click on the Register Button.
- You need to verify your account through OTP received on your mobile number.
After creating your Boche Tea Account, you can Sign in to your account and Participate in Lucky Draw.
Boche Tea Login

To sign in or login to your Boche Tea account, go to the official website of BocheTea.com
Click on Sign in/Register button from the menu bar.
Enter the mobile number and Password.
Click on the SIGN In Button.
Alternatively, you can easily Sign in to your account using your mobile number and OTP. Once you log in to your account, you can buy the product and participate in the Lucky Draw Giveaway.
How to Participate in Boche Tea Lucky Draw
There are three ways to participate in Boche Tea Lucky Draw ticket booking – online, by Scanning QR code and via SMS. Follow the steps by step guide to enter Boche Tea Lucky Draw Kerala.
People need to Purchase tea packets from the official Boche Tea website at https://bochetea.com.
An SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number along with the lucky draw ticket number, draw ID and website link.
You need to collect the purchased tea packets from our Chemmanur International Jewellers listed on our website as stores.
BocheBhumi Putra Pvt Ltd,
13/354, 13/367,
boCHE 1000 Acre,
Meppadi Post
Wayanad – 673577
BocheBhumi Putra Pvt Ltd,
168/1A, Saraf House,
Mettupalayam Road,
Vanni Nagar, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu – 641029
Scanning QR code
You or users need to purchase tea packets from your nearest stores.
Scan the QR code given on the tea packet using your mobile phone.
After scanning the QR code, please enter your Full Name, Phone Number and Coupon Code and submit the provided details.
After this, you will receive a confirmation message which includes your unique ticket number.
Through SMS
People need to purchase the tea packets from the nearest stores or the field agents.
Use the coupon code available inside the Tea packets.
- Send an SMS to 7353100330 in the given format bochetea< space >Coupon Code< space >Your Full Name.
If you win, you will receive a congratulatory message on your mobile number.
NOTE: Only boCHE tea purchases made on the website during the promotional period will be eligible to enter the raffle.
There is no limit on the number of entries, you can enter as many as you want. However, each purchase made during the promotional period counts as an additional entry into the raffle for a lucky Draw Giveaway.
Check Boche Tea Lucky Draw Status
Users will have the chance to verify their entry status in a particular draw or promotion and review based on associated terms and conditions for participation.
Tickets for draws that are still in progress will display as “Awaiting Results”.
Winning tickets will display as “Winning”.
Losing tickets will display as “Better Luck Next Time”.
For more information, please visit the official website of bocheTea.