Friends2Support Login/Registration, Blood donors app app app

Friends2Support (F2S) has launched several mobile apps to provide smart solutions to find and/or register blood donors. The app is a blood donor app that is connected to many countries, states, districts, etc.

In this article, we will share how to do friends2support login, friends2support registration, the friends2support blood donation process, and more. App

Friends2Support is a blood donor app. It is the world’s largest voluntary blood donor organization with services available in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Oman, and Yemen. The main objective of this organization is to create a society in which the shortage of blood is fulfilled in the most critical situations. has more than 500K voluntary blood donors all over the world and will soon aim to reach the 10 million mark. This app also has some silent features, which are as follows:

1. Plasma Donor Registration and Search
2. Location-based voluntary blood donor search
3. Blood Donor Registration on OTP Verification
4. Blood Donor Login, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Delete Profile
5. You can directly call, send SMS, and WhatsApp donor details to the donor.
6. Report if there is a problem with the donor details. app download app can be downloaded from the app center, google play store, apple app store and. it is available on these platforms where you can download the app easily.

  • Go to the official website of F2S at
  • Select the app using your os version, and click on the link button.
  • Click on the install button for Android or iPhone or Microsoft. registration

Enter the information to register as a voluntary blood donor and become part of F2S Vision. After donating, please update your donation date so that your name is automatically hidden for the next 3 months. Please also update your profile and information in case you relocate in the future.

To register your account on the app or website, please follow the steps below and complete the registration form.

friends2support registration
friends2support registration
  • Go to the portal or app.
  • Click on Blood Donor Registration here.
  • Enter the required information such as Full Name, Blood Group, and Contact information:
    • Mobile Number
    • Land Line Number
    • Select Country
    • Select State
    • Select District
    • Select City
    • E-Mail ID
    • UserId
    • Password
    • Please confirm your availability to donate blood
  • Tick the Terms and Conditions box to display your mobile telephone number publicly.
  • Then, click on Submit button.

You can follow the direct link for the registration form: login

To login into portal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the homepage of friends2support at
  2. Front on the screen, enter your User Login and password.
  3. Click on Submit button.

Find Blood Donor

To find the blood donor from, you need to provide the required information. follow the easy steps to find a blood donor on the website or app.

find blood donor
find blood donor
  • Open the website.
  • The direct link is
  • On the F2S homepage, you can see the Find Blood Donor option.
  • Select your required details such as:
    • Blood Group
    • Select Country
    • Select State
    •  Select District
    • Select City
  • Then, Click on the Seach button. app customer service

You can contact us by phone or email address. to get all the contact numbers please visit the contact us page.